Alice Kent
Music Therapist and Therapeutic Life Story Practitioner
Alice Kent is a HCPC Registered Music Therapist who specialises in emotional trauma
(including with survivors of sexual abuse, domestic abuse and more generalised
emotional trauma,) attachment issues, general anxiety/self-esteem issues and
social/communication issues. She also works therapeutically with parents/carers of
traumatised children, offering psycho-education to help them better understand and
support their child. A
s a Therapeutic Life Story Practitioner, Alice works with young
people who have been fostered or adopted. Work includes addressing issues of early
life trauma, attachment issues and helping the young person and their carers
understand how the young person’s particular life story can still impact on present day
behaviour and general well-being. Alice believes profoundly that a creative and
flexible approach is essential for achieving a meaningful, safe and therapeutic
relationship, and that it is only within this relationship that real and lasting change can
take place.